
August 2021 Vegetable Garden Tour : Part 1

Welcome to Part I of the August Vegetable Garden tour of my Zone 6, Ohio garden.

I am growing in Zone 6a, mid-western Ohio, and focus on growing things I love to eat (vegetables, fruits & herbs), with flowers thrown in primarily for the pollinators & beneficial insects.
Today I share what is growing, being harvested and some pest & critter challenges happening in August at the first of my garden locations. Be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss the August Vegetable Garden Part II-- which will highlight my 2nd location!

00:00 Intro
00:54 Tomato Highlights
05:17 Outside the Fence- hügelkultur bed, misc small fruit & flowers
10:05 Flower Highlights
14:33 On to the Veggies!
28:28 Garden Chickens update
29:09 A Peek in the Greenhouse- what's ready to plant for fall?

Vegetable garden
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