
Greenhouse Growing Parthenocarpic Veggies - Grow indoors to get a longer growing season, grow more

Parthenocarpic vegetables are hybrid (not GMO) vegetables that don't need pollinators to produce. In this video we show the weekly progress of cucumbers and zucchini growing and producing in our wee greenhouse.
Unfortunately they did not take to the indoors as well as we would have liked. More on that, and hopefully how we remedied it coming in another video.
*We offer straight forward to the point gardening info that we hope will help you garden more successfully and enjoy it more, save money, learn preparedness, and off-grid living skills. Whether you are a homesteading family or a beginner gardener, a simple vegetable garden whether on a balcony or is a small space, or if you have a larger vegetable garden, you can become more self-sufficient with our easy to follow tips for growing edibles. Garden on!
Vegetable garden
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