
Pests and Diseases in the Garden

The companion webpage for this video on MGNV.org has additional resources and links:

00:00 Introduction
04:51 Planning for garden success
07:24 Integrated Pest Management Toolbox
11:20 Best Practices for Pest Management
24:01 Know Your Bugs
39:26 Organic Controls - Biological Helpers
43:51 Planning: Intercropping
47:28 Planning: Crop Rotation
48:32 Organic Pesticides
54:21 Questions
59:19 Best Practices for Disease Management: Know your diseases
1:26:48 Weed, Wildlife, & Woody Plant Management
1:37:23 Questions

The depth of winter is a great time to review last year’s garden performance, especially the pests and diseases that vexed your garden last year. What can you do to prevent them from being so bad in 2022? Join Kirsten Conrad, Extension Agent for Arlington County and City of Alexandria, to review garden planning and planting, species selection and planting times, pest life cycles, and tactics to limit disease and insect problems. You’ll come away with a better understanding of your most pressing pest management problems.
Vegetable garden
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