
The Best Baby by William Andrew

Saturday-Night Theatre
Sat 14th Jan 1978, 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM

The Best Baby by William Andrew; with Gwyneth Guthrie, Diana Olsson and Finlay Welsh

'Twenty years ago my baby brother was kidnapped and abandoned on a hillside.

The police asked a lot of questions of a lot of people but we never did find out who did it.

Leave it alone, will you. No one can possibly find the answer now!'
Directed by Gordon Emslie BBC Scotland

Pauline Browning: Sheila Donald
Sylvia Dunn: Diana Olsson
A Child: Mary Riggins
Emma Forrest: Gwyneth Guthrie
Peter Forrest: Finlay Welsh
Barrie Browning: Robert Trotter
Colin Teviot: Tom Cotcher
Dorothy: Isobel Gardner

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