
Update on Garden Result of PVC Pipe Protective Tunnels

This video highlights the success of using the PVC pipes to protect the garden plants during the night hours when the rabbits infiltrate the garden walls. I find the ideal size of pipe is 8'' and ten foot in length. The plants can grow to a substantial enough height within that space to discourage the bunnys desire to devour them....but only cover them during the cool nights because they will literally bake under there in the sunlight.
I also show the cut off plastic cups I use to sow nasturtiums and basil throughout the garden. The two reasons: 1) It's much easier to tell them from small weeds as they emerge and 2) Their location, identified by the cups, minimize the potential of destruction by the little Mantis tiller used after the garden buds out. Basil and nasturtiums are two of the 'companion' plants that deter certain insects that have a tendency to feed on your garden plants. Marigolds are another good companion plant and are pleasant to look at. Of course Basil and Nasturtiums are edible, the Basil being an herb used in the kitchen and the Nasturtium with an edible flower, the remaining parts of which, seed pods, leaves and stems can be used in salads. NOT good in the garden are day lillies even though the whole plant is eye catching AND edible. They are literally DEER MAGNETS and the deer act as though they are an unwritten invitation to invade the space to devour the very sweet flowers. So keep them away from your garden.
I do need to point out that this was recorded at least two weeks ago and the plants are now three times the size of what you see here. All is well and good in the universe !! But now that the tomatoes are loading with perfect little green ones, its about time for the squirrels to begin their version of garden destruction.
#nasturtiums, #gardentips' #suckeringtomatoes
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